Your new task consists of..... GOING SHOPPING!
1. First, think of your favourite recipe (receta) of PASTA with vegetables or SALAD.
2. Second, make a shopping list to buy the ingredients you need. Calculate the price of them all. How much are you going to spend?
3. Give the recipe and the instructions to make your favourite dish.
4. Answer the question: What are the fruits of the season?
5. Answer the question: What vegetables are of the season?
6. Here you have an example of a recipe with vocabulary:
Baked Noodles Casserole Recipe for Kids
Ingredients: 2-1/2 Cups Wide Noodles, 2 eggs ,3 cups milk, 1/2 teaspoon, salt,
2 tablespoons butter.
Cook the noodles in boiling water with salt for 20 minutes.Drain. Grease a baking dish. Stir the butter into the noodles and place in baking dish. Beat the eggs well. Add the milk to them and beat again. Pour this over the noodles in the baking dish. Place in a slow oven at 325 degrees and bake for 1/2 hour.
This is also very good when sprinkled with parmesan cheese before baking
This is also very good when sprinkled with parmesan cheese before baking
COOK- cocinar, cocer. BOIL - hervir, cocer. FRY - freir. ADD -añadir. STIR - remover, agitar. POUR - verter. PLACE - colocar. BAKE - hornear. CUT - cortar. SPRINKLE - espolvorear. GREASE - engrasar. BEAT - batir. TEASPOON- cucharadita. TABLESPOON - cucharada.
COOK- cocinar, cocer. BOIL - hervir, cocer. FRY - freir. ADD -añadir. STIR - remover, agitar. POUR - verter. PLACE - colocar. BAKE - hornear. CUT - cortar. SPRINKLE - espolvorear. GREASE - engrasar. BEAT - batir. TEASPOON- cucharadita. TABLESPOON - cucharada.
4 comentarios:
hello we are jose and rafa from 3ºb
our recipe:
- 250g of grazes of colors....0,80€
- tuna........................1,20€
- cheese......................0,40€
- onion.......................1,12€
- hard egg....................2,40€
- thyme.......................1,10€
- nut nutmeg..................1,10€
- cumin.......................1,10€
- oil,vinegar and salt........1,50€
we spend 10,72€
- We boiled grazes with a little oil, you leave, thyme, nut nutmeg and cumin.
- We cut to cheese, onion , to the taste (if you put different types from cheeses is more flavorful, but with a white soft cheese it is sufficient) and a hard egg cut very well.
- The trick is in having the ingredients at least preparations, the cheese, for when this it grazes, because when hot being, it soon melts a little and when taking it (although this in the refrigerator) this softer the cheese.
- we season at taste with the oil vinegar and salt.
- One keeps in the refrigerator and it is taken when this good cold `.
IMPORTANT: not to rinse grazes once it is strained, but the spices would be lost, and is this the trick of the salad.
the vegetables of winter are:
legurmes , potatoes, sweet potatoes , beet, spinach, leeks, cabbage, cauliflower garlic, onion, radish, artichokes, pumpkin, mushrooms, peas , beans, green beans, thistle.
the fruits of winter are :
Tropical kiwi, lemon, mandarin, orange, grapefruit, fruits (papaya, cherimoya, pineapple), dried fruits (figs, dates).
Hello we are Mª Jesús and Aroa from 3ºB:
·one lettuce......1.00€
·three tomatoes...0.80€
·two carrots......0.65€
·two eggs.........0.50€
·vinegar and oil..1.20€
Hello teacher!!!!I´m Adelina from 3rd b.I´m very sorry for the delay(again):D......This is my recipe:
Pasta with vegetables
and parmesan cheese
500g pasta..................1,00€
50ml oil....................0,35€
10g paprika.................0,35€
1/2 tablespoon oregano......0,10€
2 carrots...................0,50€
1 onion.....................0,25€
a tin of peas...............0,75€
100g mushrooms..............0,40€
1 pepper....................0,30€
1 celery....................0,45€
3 tomatoes..................0,70€
40g parmesan................1,00€
200g maize..................0,50€
we spend....................6,65€
1. Boil the pasta in wather with salt for about 8 min.
2. Temper all the vegetables (less the tomatoes) in the oil for 10 min. and after that add wather and cover them with a lid for 5 min.Then add salt,paprika,oregan and the tomatoes.Let them boil for 15 min.
3.Add the pasta and half of parmesan cheese.After the homogenising put the composition on a plate and add the other half of parmesan cheese.
a)the fruits of the season-> quince,apple,grape,pear,plum
b)the vegetables of the season-> cabbage,eggplant,turnip,radish,cauliflower.
Hello I'm Victoria and here is my recipe:
-1 Apple...................0,20€
-2 Oranges.................0,50€
-300g Prawns...............3,00€
-Tomatoes' sauce...........0,70€
-First we clean de lettuce, cut it and put it into a bol, then we boild the prawns, while we peel the fruits and cut it in small sizes and add them to the bol.
When the prawns are ready we do the same process that with the fruits.
In another bol we put the tomatoes' sauce and the mayonaisse and mix it. Finally we cubert the ingredients with the sauce and it's ready to eat. ^_^
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