sábado, 21 de junio de 2008
viernes, 20 de junio de 2008
- Anónimo dijo...
hola soy Jonathan de 3ºA
la historia esta muy bien y es graciosa xD
Gaston tu sitio esta en el teatro jajaja
enga aver si haceis otro mas para el año k
- Anónimo dijo...
Hello,this story is very very romantic.I like it.Sara Rica 4c
- Anónimo dijo...
Hi!! I'm Carmen, 4ºA. I like this story very much!! And is very funny too!
you have worked a lot!!
Do a comiq is very interesting in my opinion...
and amusing too!!- Anónimo dijo...
Hello I'm Alejandro.
Congratulations for the story it's funny and the actors are very good.
I've enjoyed the story a lot, it's so moving!sniff. The cast is also fantastic and the main characters are charismatics. I wish you continue doing these wonderful stories!!
Best wishes,
- Anónimo dijo...
the story is very funny and hilarious. It is easy to see the hard work and the pictures help to understand the story.
Keep doing!!
aroa- Anónimo dijo...
hi!! I read your story and I like it very much you are excellent actors and actresses. I hope you'll do more because those stories help to the people who wants learn English. Leticia kiss!! ;);)
- Anónimo dijo...
carlos c. 4ºc
thanks for this final work.IT Is very funny- Anónimo dijo...
Hi! I'm Nuria from 4ºc I like this(hi)story,and I think gaston is a good actor...the other actors (its) are so funny!
- Anónimo dijo...
HoLa sOy vArInIa dE 3ºa y lA TeLeNoVeLa Os A KeDaDo mUy bIeN mE Ha gUsTADo MUcHo ¡EnOrAbUeNa!1BsSs
viernes, junio 20, 2008
- Anónimo dijo...
HoLa SoY yOLaNdA De 3·A mE Ha gUSTaDo MUchO vUeSTRa TeLeNoVeLa oS DoY La eNoRabUeNa a eSoS PeAzO AcToReS DE CInE JaJaJA UN beSo¡