sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2007
lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2007
It's me again, Victoria!!Here are some vegetables of the season:Chard and spinach, artichokes, pumpkin , cabbage, cauliflowers, mushrooms, peas, beans, leek, lettuces,etc.And the fruits are:Kiwi, lemons, tangerines, oranges, pomelo, tropical fruits (papayas, pineapples), dry fruits(dried fig, dates).Bye-bye teacher!! :3
the vegetables of winter are:legu(r)mes , potatoes, sweet potatoes , beet, spinach, leeks, cabbage, cauliflower garlic, onion, radish, artichokes, pumpkin, mushrooms, peas , beans, green beans, thistle. The fruits of winter are :Tropical kiwi, lemon, mandarin, orange, grapefruit, fruits (papaya, cherimoya, pineapple), dried fruits (figs, dates).
a)the fruits of the season-> quince,apple,grape,pear,plum(b)
b)the vegetables of the season-> cabbage,eggplant,turnip,radish,cauliflower.
It's me again, Victoria!!Here are some vegetables of the season:Chard and spinach, artichokes, pumpkin , cabbage, cauliflowers, mushrooms, peas, beans, leek, lettuces,etc.And the fruits are:Kiwi, lemons, tangerines, oranges, pomelo, tropical fruits (papayas, pineapples), dry fruits(dried fig, dates).Bye-bye teacher!! :3
the vegetables of winter are:legu(r)mes , potatoes, sweet potatoes , beet, spinach, leeks, cabbage, cauliflower garlic, onion, radish, artichokes, pumpkin, mushrooms, peas , beans, green beans, thistle. The fruits of winter are :Tropical kiwi, lemon, mandarin, orange, grapefruit, fruits (papaya, cherimoya, pineapple), dried fruits (figs, dates).
a)the fruits of the season-> quince,apple,grape,pear,plum(b)
b)the vegetables of the season-> cabbage,eggplant,turnip,radish,cauliflower.
martes, 4 de diciembre de 2007
Hello my name is Alvaro J Guzman 4c and my (recet) RECIPE is a traditional (sweet) dessert of Latin America (AREQUIPE)-1 liter of milk-230 grams of white sugar-1 spoonful of BAKING SODA (bicarbonate of sodium), (disuelto) mixed in ½ water cup. (To set) Place the milk to boil together with the sugar in a pan (to) OVER LOW FIRE /HEAT slow fire, (without stopping removing) stirring constantly. Little by little add the water with bicarbonate. The arequipe is ready when (he) it thickens and you can see the bottom of the pan when you push it aside with a spoon (on having moved with the spade one sees the fund of the pan) .
INGREDIENTS:500g pasta..................1,00€
50ml oil....................0,35€
10g paprika.................0,35€
1/2 tablespoon oregano......0,10€
2 carrots...................0,50€
1 onion.....................0,25€
a tin of peas...............0,75€
100g mushrooms..............0,40
€1 pepper....................0,30€
1 celery....................0,45€
3 tomatoes..................0,70€
40g parmesan................1,00€
200g maize..................0,50€
we spend....................6,65€
1. Boil the pasta in wat(h)er with salt for about 8 min.2. (Temper) Fry all the vegetables (except the tomatoes) in the oil for 10 min. and after that add wat(h)er and cover them with a lid for 5 min.Then add salt,paprika,oregano and the tomatoes.Let them boil for 15 min.3.Add the pasta and half of parmesan cheese.After (the homogenising) mixing well, (put the composition) serve on a plate and add the other half of parmesan cheese.
PASTA SALAD BY jose and rafa
250g of PASTA of different colours (grazes of colors)....0,80€
- tuna........................1,20€
- cheese......................0,40€
- onion.......................1,12€
- hard egg....................2,40€
- thyme.......................1,10€
- nut nutmeg..................1,10€
- cumin.......................1,10€
- oil,vinegar and salt........1,50€
we spend 10,72€
PREPARATION: We boil(ed) the PASTA with a little oil, (you leave), ADD or FLAVOUR with thyme, nut nutmeg and cumin. Cut cheese, onion to taste (if you put different types (from) of cheese is more (flavorful) TASTEFUL, but with (a) a little/some white soft cheese is (sufficient) ENOUGH) and a hard-boiled egg cut very well into small pieces. - The trick is having the ingredients (at least preparations) READY, the cheese, when the pasta is cooked and still warm, melts a little and when taking it (although it is in the refrigerator) this softens the cheese. - we season to taste with the oil, vinegar and salt. - Keep in the refrigerator and take it when it is cool . IMPORTANT: (not to) DON'T rinse THE PASTA (grazes) once cooked, or the spices would be lost, and this the trick of the salad.
OJO - PARA LAS RECETAS SE UTILIZA EL IMPERATIVO: infinitivo sin "to" ni sujeto.
TOMATO SOUP by Carlos Crespillo
I´m carlos crespillo from 4ºc. The (recet) RECIPE is a TOMATO Soup (of tomato)Ingredients: ½ kg of tomatoes, fried tomato, broth, laurel, begins????, a potato, an onion, butter, two garlic cloves, pepper, salt. (Way of doing) PREPARATION: We peel and cut into pieces the vegetables and then we melt the butter in a medium frying pan. We (attack) fry the onions over low fire until they are transparent.Then we add the potato, the tomatoes, the garlic, the laurel, 2 spoonfuls of fried tomato and a half litre of broth. We cover and leave it over the fire approximately 20 minutes.Later we (separate of) REMOVE FROM the fire, withdraw the leaf of laurel and mix it with the milk. We LET IT COOL a bit and then (spend(pass)) BLEND in the mixer.We return it to the casserole, season it to (the) taste and warm it to serve, without (to allow that it should) LETTING IT boil.

GOOD JOB CARLOS, but what are begins??????
Hello my name is Alvaro J Guzman 4c and my (recet) RECIPE is a traditional (sweet) dessert of Latin America (AREQUIPE)-1 liter of milk-230 grams of white sugar-1 spoonful of BAKING SODA (bicarbonate of sodium), (disuelto) mixed in ½ water cup. (To set) Place the milk to boil together with the sugar in a pan (to) OVER LOW FIRE /HEAT slow fire, (without stopping removing) stirring constantly. Little by little add the water with bicarbonate. The arequipe is ready when (he) it thickens and you can see the bottom of the pan when you push it aside with a spoon (on having moved with the spade one sees the fund of the pan) .
INGREDIENTS:500g pasta..................1,00€
50ml oil....................0,35€
10g paprika.................0,35€
1/2 tablespoon oregano......0,10€
2 carrots...................0,50€
1 onion.....................0,25€
a tin of peas...............0,75€
100g mushrooms..............0,40
€1 pepper....................0,30€
1 celery....................0,45€
3 tomatoes..................0,70€
40g parmesan................1,00€
200g maize..................0,50€
we spend....................6,65€
1. Boil the pasta in wat(h)er with salt for about 8 min.2. (Temper) Fry all the vegetables (except the tomatoes) in the oil for 10 min. and after that add wat(h)er and cover them with a lid for 5 min.Then add salt,paprika,oregano and the tomatoes.Let them boil for 15 min.3.Add the pasta and half of parmesan cheese.After (the homogenising) mixing well, (put the composition) serve on a plate and add the other half of parmesan cheese.
PASTA SALAD BY jose and rafa
250g of PASTA of different colours (grazes of colors)....0,80€

- tuna........................1,20€
- cheese......................0,40€
- onion.......................1,12€
- hard egg....................2,40€
- thyme.......................1,10€
- nut nutmeg..................1,10€
- cumin.......................1,10€
- oil,vinegar and salt........1,50€
we spend 10,72€
PREPARATION: We boil(ed) the PASTA with a little oil, (you leave), ADD or FLAVOUR with thyme, nut nutmeg and cumin. Cut cheese, onion to taste (if you put different types (from) of cheese is more (flavorful) TASTEFUL, but with (a) a little/some white soft cheese is (sufficient) ENOUGH) and a hard-boiled egg cut very well into small pieces. - The trick is having the ingredients (at least preparations) READY, the cheese, when the pasta is cooked and still warm, melts a little and when taking it (although it is in the refrigerator) this softens the cheese. - we season to taste with the oil, vinegar and salt. - Keep in the refrigerator and take it when it is cool . IMPORTANT: (not to) DON'T rinse THE PASTA (grazes) once cooked, or the spices would be lost, and this the trick of the salad.
OJO - PARA LAS RECETAS SE UTILIZA EL IMPERATIVO: infinitivo sin "to" ni sujeto.
TOMATO SOUP by Carlos Crespillo
I´m carlos crespillo from 4ºc. The (recet) RECIPE is a TOMATO Soup (of tomato)Ingredients: ½ kg of tomatoes, fried tomato, broth, laurel, begins????, a potato, an onion, butter, two garlic cloves, pepper, salt. (Way of doing) PREPARATION: We peel and cut into pieces the vegetables and then we melt the butter in a medium frying pan. We (attack) fry the onions over low fire until they are transparent.Then we add the potato, the tomatoes, the garlic, the laurel, 2 spoonfuls of fried tomato and a half litre of broth. We cover and leave it over the fire approximately 20 minutes.Later we (separate of) REMOVE FROM the fire, withdraw the leaf of laurel and mix it with the milk. We LET IT COOL a bit and then (spend(pass)) BLEND in the mixer.We return it to the casserole, season it to (the) taste and warm it to serve, without (to allow that it should) LETTING IT boil.

GOOD JOB CARLOS, but what are begins??????
domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2007

Your new task consists of..... GOING SHOPPING!
1. First, think of your favourite recipe (receta) of PASTA with vegetables or SALAD.
2. Second, make a shopping list to buy the ingredients you need. Calculate the price of them all. How much are you going to spend?
3. Give the recipe and the instructions to make your favourite dish.
4. Answer the question: What are the fruits of the season?
5. Answer the question: What vegetables are of the season?
6. Here you have an example of a recipe with vocabulary:
Baked Noodles Casserole Recipe for Kids
Ingredients: 2-1/2 Cups Wide Noodles, 2 eggs ,3 cups milk, 1/2 teaspoon, salt,
2 tablespoons butter.
Cook the noodles in boiling water with salt for 20 minutes.Drain. Grease a baking dish. Stir the butter into the noodles and place in baking dish. Beat the eggs well. Add the milk to them and beat again. Pour this over the noodles in the baking dish. Place in a slow oven at 325 degrees and bake for 1/2 hour.
This is also very good when sprinkled with parmesan cheese before baking
This is also very good when sprinkled with parmesan cheese before baking
COOK- cocinar, cocer. BOIL - hervir, cocer. FRY - freir. ADD -añadir. STIR - remover, agitar. POUR - verter. PLACE - colocar. BAKE - hornear. CUT - cortar. SPRINKLE - espolvorear. GREASE - engrasar. BEAT - batir. TEASPOON- cucharadita. TABLESPOON - cucharada.
COOK- cocinar, cocer. BOIL - hervir, cocer. FRY - freir. ADD -añadir. STIR - remover, agitar. POUR - verter. PLACE - colocar. BAKE - hornear. CUT - cortar. SPRINKLE - espolvorear. GREASE - engrasar. BEAT - batir. TEASPOON- cucharadita. TABLESPOON - cucharada.
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